Spirox abides by local laws and regulations in all countries and regions where we operate, and upholds the human rights of workers, including regular, contract and temporary employees, and interns. We treat all workers with dignity and respect as understood by the international human rights standards such as The International Bill of Human Rights, The International Labour Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact. We also align our actions with the Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct to guarantee the safety of working environment, the protection and respect of employees’ rights and interests, the implementation of pollution prevention of process and product, and the fulfillment of social responsibility.


Spirox has clearly declared the protection of our employees’ human rights via internal documents and rules such as “Attendance and Absence Policy”, “Operating Rules of Sexual Harassment Prevention”, and “Recruitment Policy”, which include basic regulatory requirements, freedom of employment, humane treatment, and prohibition of improper discrimination and sexual harassment. Furthermore, diversified and effective communication mechanisms have been established together with the improvement of salary benefits, training and development opportunities, and courses selection.


Embed respect for economic, social, cultural, civil, and political rights, as well as the right to development, we operate the guiding principles for Spirox's Human Right Policy as follows:


  • Provide a safe and secure work environment that is free of harassment
  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination and ensure equality in the workplace
  • Zero tolerance for child labor
  • Forbid forced labor
  • Protect labor rights of underprivileged minority such as indigenous peoples, women, migrant workers, contracted labor and persons with disabilities
  • Comply with all applicable wage laws and regulations, and legal limits to working hours
  • Provide fair living wage and pay in full and on time with pay slips to state legitimate deductions
  • Support the physical and psychological well-being of employees, and the balance between work and life
  • Enable a communication-friendly environment and maintain an open-style management system to ensure an open communication and negotiation authority to employees to achieve the positive labor-capital relations ultimately
  • Make diverse open dialogue channels available for stakeholders such as suppliers, business partners, and others to report concerns or suspected violations to the Company, including ways to report anonymously
  • Monitor and assess relevant risks, practices, and impacts regularly to respond to evolving situations and stakeholders’ needs

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