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The purpose of internal audit is to assist the board of directors and mangers in inspecting and reviewing defects in the internal control systems as well as measuring operational effectiveness and efficiency, and shall make timely recommendations for improvements to ensure the sustained operating effectiveness of the systems and to provide a basis for review and correction. The audit scope covers all departments, operations, and subsidiaries of the company.

Spirox’s Internal Audit function operates as an independent unit reporting directly to the Board of Directors, with one audit personnel assigned. In addition to routine reporting to the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors, it may provide briefings to the Chairman and the Audit Committee on an as-needed basis.
The appointment or dismissal of the Chief Audit Executive is conducted in accordance with the company's recruitment and employment regulations, subject to the Audit Committee's review and approval by the Board of Directors. The performance evaluation and remuneration of the Chief Audit Executive are submitted to the Board of Directors by the Human Resources Department. The appointment, evaluation, and remuneration of internal audit personnel are managed by the Human Resources Department, with final approval by the Chairperson upon submission by the Chief Audit Executive.