Spirox has upheld integrity and honesty as one of our core principles since establishment. Spirox Group is committed to conducting all its operations and business activities with integrity, strictly prohibiting corruption or any form of fraudulent behavior. If you come across any suspicious actions by Spirox employees or any individuals representing Spirox that may violate Spirox Ethical Corporate Management Principles, please inform us. Your report will be directly handled by senior management.


Unless otherwise required by law, we will keep your provided personal information confidential and take appropriate protective measures to safeguard your personal data and privacy.



  • Your provided personal information, including your name, phone number, and email address, may be processed by Spirox for the purposes of investigating and contacting you regarding the reported matters during the investigation. If necessary for the investigation, Spirox may transfer your necessary personal information to its subsidiaries.
  • You must not knowingly provide false information or intentionally fabricate facts. If it is later determined that your report was made with malicious intent or included intentionally fabricated false statements, you will be held responsible under applicable laws.
  • To facilitate an early investigation and resolution of the issue, please make sure to provide any relevant specific information and documents. If the relevant information and documents are incomplete, Spirox will not be able to conduct an investigation.
  • All or part of the contact information provided to you by Spirox must not be disclosed to anyone. Unless required by legal provisions, you are not allowed to initiate legal action using the contact information between Spirox and yourself or use such contact information as part of any legal proceedings.

Reporting Process

As receiving an irregular report, Spirox will initiate the investigation process, including:
  1. Establish an investigation committee in accordance with the “Spirox Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principle.”
  2. Commence the investigation.
  3. Propose corrective measures and decide on a disciplinary plan.

Report Form

All of Spirox business transactions adhere to the highest standards of business ethics. If you discover any unlawful actions by individuals associated with Spirox, please use this system to report it. If the report is found to be valid, Spirox will take strict action against the unlawful behavior. The information provided in this report will be kept confidential and forwarded directly to the senior management of Spirox, and we will have a dedicated person contact you.


Please provide below information and email it to spirox-legal@spirox.com 


    1. Your relationship with Spirox? (Employee, supplier, vendor, customer, other_______)
    2. Please provide your name and contact information:
      • Name:
      • Phone number:
      • Email address:
    3. Please list the Spirox personnel involved in this incident:
      • Name:
      • Title:
      • Department:
    4. How did you become aware of this irregular incident?
      • Personal experience
      • Experience of a colleague, relative, or friend
      • Rumor
      • Presumption
      • Network message
      • Others
    5. Do the management know about this issue? (Yes, No, Uncertain)
    6. Please briefly describe the case (date, location, and incident details).
    7. Please provide all the details, as much detail as possible, about the incident or any relevant valuable information.
    8. If you have supporting documents or files for the report, please provide them as attachments (file size should not exceed 10MB).


Providing personal information signifies your consent for Spirox to collect, process, and utilize your personal information to provide related services. Please refer to our privacy policy for more information.

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