Compensation & Benefits
Join Spirox, and together we can achieve a brilliant future!
At Spirox, we offer a friendly work environment and competitive compensation and benefits to attract and retain talents. For example, at our headquarters, Spirox offers:

Salary and Bonuses
Monthly salaries and bonuses for the three major holidays are provided. Additionally, short-, medium-, and long-term incentive plans are designed to reward employees based on overall company performance, team contributions, and individual achievements, allowing all employees to share in the company’s success.
Leave System
To promote work-life balance, we offer special and optional leave, allowing employees to plan their time off according to their personal needs.
Diverse Benefits
Provided by the Employee Welfare Committee, diverse benefits include celebratory bonuses, condolence payments, holiday/birthday gifts or vouchers, department birthday bonuses, snack subsidies, and various sports and club activities, among others.
Health Care
We arrange annual health check-ups for employees, provide subsidies for flu vaccinations, offer health consultations, and organize exercise programs guided by professional trainers.

Insurance System
In addition to labor insurance, national health insurance, and labor pension, we offer group insurance and vehicle insurance to further enhance employees' living standards and safety protection. Employees also have the option to self-fund group insurance for family members, providing additional coverage for their loved ones.
Retirement System
To ensure a secure retirement for our employees, we have established a retirement plan in accordance with legal regulations.